Ages since I last submitted a blog entry, which was about 1 year ago. I just could not imagine the so-many things that had happened over that one-year which was not mentioned in this blog. Of course, things happened and many things changed over the past one year of the inactivity of this blog. It was only a few days ago when my friend and I were talking about random blogs and the option of updating my blog materialised at the back of my mind.
Also that one year also mean that my interest of blogging was worn out for the past one yr and thank goodness, it returned. And so, maybe to make my blog more interesting for readers, especially myself in future, I shall not only recount what I had done for the past period of time, but also include some thoughts on random things which can be valuable topics up for discussion.
All right since this is the new course of direction for my blog, hopefully this will inject 'vitality' into this blog.
The past one week marks the inception of the last four weeks of school b4 the start of SWOT VAC and the last exam period of my tertiary study. This past one week has overseen our Auditing mid-term test which was very tricky and also the submission of Options Assignment on CFDs. On the weekend, there was a mini-break for me after the stressful preparation for the test and the assignment. Without the break, my head can 'certainly' scatter into many fragments. Yesterday there was a Singapore Association dinner of handover, basically it was just another professional excuse of an opportunity to socialise with pple whom you are not familar with. Apparently the occasion ended at 11pm as everyone rushed back home to watch 'Eurotrip'. Of course, some of the interesting topics that was discussed throughout the dinner were European languages, and fond memories of our school days back in Singapore.
Was talking to this person seated to me about European languages, and apparently he is a French Eurasian. Thus we had this interesting discussion over French and German, particularly the nature of speaking in these two languages. These two languages are foreign languages in future should I have the opportunity to. Fancy the sentence structure and the command of the two languages. For all of your information, their sentence structures are somewhat similar to English. Of course, we also touched on a bit on the Greek language, which in my opinion, is another enriching aspect of the Western culture.
There are so many things I wanna master or take up. So many wants, but I also realise time is limited and so are the resources. Then come this saying I fully grasped by the end of my internship with MOF, 'Unlimted Wants, Scarce Resources'. Thus I also understand the significance of priortising our goals and objectives in life. What is most impt or least impt.
The next topic was the fond memories we had in our respective high schools in Singapore. The maths equations we used to fiddle with and the hilarious things which we did in school. For boys' school, I realised from my time there, was so fun, though it involved events that were mischievous and had to be referred to the Principal and Vice-P. One example was the prank-calling of a teacher's wife (some jokers actually searched the teacher's name and contact details through Yellow Page). Obviously tt teacher was most 'notorious' figure over the entire history of the school. Have you come across any teachers telling their students that he or she is 'a Doctor-teacher' and that they have to respect him? I certainly have.....
Running out of brain juices to go further, K till next time!
i agree your idea ! very nice blog
After reading the information, I may have different views, but I do think this is good BLOG!
Although we have differences in culture, but do not want is that this view is the same and I like that!
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